Friday, December 5, 2008

On sound and vibration, tea cups and knowledge


William J Croft said...

Doug, you probably already know about this, but other may not. . Some great videos are also available, just google cymatics.

Ahabro said...

Wow! I had a similar experience, but your description of it is most inspiring. It brought me right back to that seminal moment and enhanced it many-fold! Not only enhanced my own experience but tied it into an ancient flow. Perhaps my experience was 10 years before yours ... perhaps it was 10 years later. No matter - spirit is always PRESENT. Thanks for the present. I'd like to wrap it up and send it along ...

Matt Zavadil said...

Doug, I just found you. I will meet you soon - most likely in Mentone in November. You inspire me. As I looked at your website, watched a video of you singing with others, and read this post, I felt deep resonance in my bones and my heart quickened. I work with groups utilizing the power of the drum and I am excited by what you write you here. I am aware of what happens in my body with sound. I am aware of the order and beauty that comes out of the chaos.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful spirit with us all.

James Watt said...

One afternoon when the Great Mother Conference was in Wisconsin, I sat on the porch of the hall while Marcus Wise & David Whetstone were giving a concert. After a while I glanced out at the lake and was amazed to see a great ring forming and reforming, moving first from right to left then from left to right. I checked to make sure i wasn't hallucinating and that it was, INDEED, in sync with the music. Then I just relaxed and grooved with the water and the sound. Never forgot it either. Jim Watt